Reorganisation (M&A)

Reorganisation (M&A)

The ever changing legal and business environment often requires the reorganization of capital groups or companies. Such projects are complicated as they touch legal, fiscal and accounting areas – this is usually an operation on a working company. The role of a good advisor is to identify risks on all the levels and carry out the process in the most optimal way for a company.

Thanks to the fact that we represent various competences and work in combined legal-fiscal-financial teams, we can offer comprehensive support in a restructuring processes on the “one-stop shop” basis. Therefore, we provide full and pragmatic support and the client does not need to spend time on choosing from often conflicting legal and tax advice. Our solutions are not only perfectly planned in terms of regulations and taxes but also aim at providing continuity of business during the project and after its completion. Within the reorganization processes:

  • we will carry out legal and fiscal evaluation to look for the possible way of conducting a reorganization and also identify any risks;
  • we will set up a schedule for the reorganization activities;
  • we will offer support during reorganization or carry out the whole process;
  • we will provide an expert auditor to evaluate reorganization plans;
  • we will represent the client in the registration process (KRS);
  • we will provide post transaction support.

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Business & Tax Attorneys Dobiejewski, Patrzek, Sobczak, Karasiuk i Wspólnicy spółka komandytowa © 2019 All rights reserved.

Business & Tax Attorneys
ul. Gen. Władysława Sikorskiego 26 (1p. Quickwork), 53-659 Wrocław
KRS: 0000806483, NIP: 8943146655