Tax incentives and exemptions

Tax incentives and exemptions

The Polish tax system provides for numerous tax incentives and exemptions, including those available with regard to carrying out certain types of investments, or conducting research and development activities. Conditions for taking advantage of some incentives and reliefs have recently become more favourable, there are new opportunities for increasing tax effectiveness, such as the so-called IP Box. However, often complicated regulations and the restrictive approach of tax authorities lead to doubts and may discourage potential beneficiaries.

As a team of experts who for many years have specialized in the area of tax incentives and reliefs, we offer you our support in implementing or verifying the correctness of relevant tax settlements. In particular we offer our support in the following scope:


  • analysis whether assumptions for your planned investment comply with the requirements and criteria for project evaluation within PSI (Polish Investment Zone);
  • comprehensive support in the process for applying for a decision on support within PSI, including preparing all required documents and advisory directed at providing comfort in fulfilling future conditions and effectiveness in using public aid, as well as participation in discussions with the relevant entity granting the aid;
  • comprehensive support in the procedures related to the amendment of conditions, or termination of permits for conducting business in the area of special economic zones (SSE) or decisions for support within PSI;
  • implementation of procedures in the area of settlement of both tax exempt and taxed income;
  • reviews of tax returns connected with doing business in the area of SSE on the basis of suitable permits/ on the basis of a decision on support within PSI;
  • verification of the PKWiU classification for source of income obtained on the basis of permit/ decision of support, in the context of its compliance with their content;
  • review of qualified expenses and fulfilment of qualitative conditions;
  • analysis of the possibility of lowering or eliminating non-tax-deductible losses arising in the process of doing business on the basis of decision /permit, and comprehensive support in the process of implementing identified solutions;
  • preparing tools for settling qualified expenses with the application of the discount mechanism, and settling tax exempt and taxable income;
  • application for subsidy within the so-called Zone Fund.

B+R Relief and IP Box

  • identification of processes / operations conducted by the given entity in the context of recognizing them as R&D activities in the light of the CIT regulations / applying the IP Box;
  • analysis whether costs incurred qualify the R&D relief;
  • securing the possibility of benefiting from the R&D relief / IP Box through adequate external and internal documentation;
  • drafting internal procedures / guidelines concerning the settlement of the R&D relief or the IP Box, and the recording of related documents.

Exemption from Real Estate Tax

  • identification of the possibility to benefit from the real estate tax exemption within regional aid or de minimis aid;
  • comprehensive support in the process of obtaining and settling the above exemptions.

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Doradztwo z zakresu PIT, CIT, VAT, prawa pracy, łączenia i przekształcenia spółek
kapitałowych i osobowych, cen transferowych oraz ochrony danych osobowych.
Business & Tax Attorneys Dobiejewski, Patrzek, Sobczak, Karasiuk i Wspólnicy spółka komandytowa © 2019 All rights reserved.

Business & Tax Attorneys
ul. Gen. Władysława Sikorskiego 26 (1p. Quickwork), 53-659 Wrocław
KRS: 0000806483, NIP: 8943146655