Business & Tax Attorneys - ul. Gen. Władysława Sikorskiego 26 (1p. Quickwork), 53-659 Wrocław

01 – Quality first

Advising we do not agree to compromises. Our recommendations are well thought over and comprehensive – we are aiming to provide support to our clients, taking into account their specific needs and the business environment in which they operate. We focus on the tailor-made advice what we can achieve thanks to good knowledge of people and entities with which we work.

02 – Customer trust as the foundation of our business

We focus on the long-term cooperation and close relationships with our clients. We achieve them thanks to a personalized approach and the concern for their interests. Customer satisfaction is a key measure of our success.

03 – Experience guarantees comfort in the legal and tax environment

We have been dealing with legal and tax issues for many years. Our experience gained in the biggest law firms on the market, allows us to offer to clients not only the bullet-prove solutions but also the best market practices.

our team


Leszek Patrzek

Leszek Patrzek


Partner | Tax Team
Phone: 601 877 716

Łukasz Sobczak

Łukasz Sobczak

Tax Advisor

Partner | Tax Team
Phone: 513 057 595

Polityka prywatności | Klauzula zgody na cookies

Doradztwo z zakresu PIT, CIT, VAT, prawa pracy, łączenia i przekształcenia spółek
kapitałowych i osobowych, cen transferowych oraz ochrony danych osobowych.
Business & Tax Attorneys Dobiejewski, Patrzek, Sobczak, Karasiuk i Wspólnicy spółka komandytowa © 2019 All rights reserved.

Business & Tax Attorneys
ul. Gen. Władysława Sikorskiego 26 (1p. Quickwork), 53-659 Wrocław
KRS: 0000806483, NIP: 8943146655