Rafał Gołba

Tax Advisor
Brief info
Rafał jest doradcą podatkowym (nr wpisu 12834) oraz absolwentem Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Posiada ponad 8 letnie doświadczenie w zakresie doradztwa podatkowego. W naszym zespole jest odpowiedzialny merytorycznie za zagadnienia z zakresu podatków pośrednich, w szczególności podatku od towarów i usług. Rafał włada biegle językiem angielskim oraz (w stopniu komunikatywnym) językiem niemieckim.
Professional Experience

Rafał began his career in the renowned Wroclaw law office of Olesiński and Partners and then for over 7 years worked for the companies from the so-called Big Four (Deloitte and EY). His longstanding experience in the field of tax advisory, with a great stress on issues concerning VAT and statistical regulations, allowed Rafał to build his tax workshop with a strong specialization, which allows him to quickly and effectively react to the needs of our clients. At the same time, this narrow area of expertise provides a high quality of work, what in today’s changing tax environment is especially valued by our client.

Areas of services rendered by Rafał include:
  • ongoing tax advisory in the scope of indirect taxes (especially VAT), and also other tax related issues;
  • analysis of business solutions, delivery models and sales structures,
  • preparing, in cooperation with friendly tax advisors from other countries, comprehensive analyses and recommendations which take into considerations tax effects on the basis of various tax jurisdictions,
  • setting VAT rates, tariff rates, the duty to apply a split payment mechanism,
  • setting statistical classification of goods and services on the basis of a Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) and Combined Nomenclature (CN),
  • preparing applications for issuing individual interpretations, binding rate information, binding tariff information, statistical opinions and representing clients before the right authorities in this scope,
  • representing clients during tax control, custom-fiscal controls, tax proceedings and court-administrative proceedings,
  • support in lowering customs duties by preparing applications for duty suspension arrangements or obtaining tariff quota,
  • conducting tax reviews, including review of VAT rates and tariff rates,
  • conducting tax training courses, including changes to the VAT, setting PKWiU / CN classifications, determining VAT / tariff rates,
  • conducting individual VAT workshops with chosen employees of our clients, in order to develop their tax knowledge on the chosen position and providing the most suitable way of settling individual transactions on the basis of the tax regulations.
  • Manufacturing
  • Catering
  • Automotive
  • Trade
  • Construction
  • FMCG
  • IT